The Best Way to visit the countryside with a fat bike.

A fantastic self ride tour in the country! A beautiful day , a great adventure for all  lovers of the outdoors. With fat bikes you can travel any type of road, even dirt roads!!!! A stop in a family running farm where you  can have a rich lunch with wine tastingThe tour is for 2 people. It starts at 11.00am for 5 hours.What is included:- fat bike-bike chain-helmet-lunch and wine tasting in farm

Prezzo: € 130 per due persone

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Esperienza del tutto unica, fortunatamente per me anche a due passi dall hotel, personale molto gentile ed educato, anche nel spiegarti e consigliarti che tipo di itinerario poteva piacermi a secondo le mie esigenze.
Mezza giornata in giro per Firenze e fuori porta a visitare posti che magari a piedi ci stavi giorni. Ad un prezzo ragionevole. Non ho avuto bisogno neanche di fare ricarica, ho camminato in modalità Eco,poi le ultime ore in Modalità power. Bellissima esperienza!

Filippo Zuccaro

Eindrücklich, sicher und unkompliziert. Wir entdeckten idyllische Orte und hatten ganz viel Spass. Das Fahren ist einfach und der Verkehr angepasst.

Stefan Wenk

Had an amazing trip with the electric Vespa into the Chianti region. Easy to drive, easy to handle, the perfect Vespa to drive around! We had the greatest support bij thé owners of the business. They even have their own application with tours and inbuilt maps to navigate you easily wherever you want to go!

Siebe Ceuppens

We rented the e-vespa for a day and it was one of our favorite activities in Florence. The tour they put together was really fun. The vespa worked great too without any issues.

Adan Amarillas

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